Monday, 25 August 2014


McLeod, L. (n.d.). Explore Quick Facts About a Popular Exotic Pet. About. Retrieved   

Berg, M. H. (n.d.). Do Hamsters Have Menstrual Cycles?. Animals. Retrieved from

Senegal galago pictures and facts. (n.d.).Senegal bushbaby. Retrieved from

Chameleon - Animal Facts. (n.d.).Chameleon - Animal Facts. Retrieved from

EDGE of Existence. (n.d.). EDGE of Existence. Retrieved August from

Slender Loris at Animal Corner. (n.d.).Slender Loris at Animal Corner. Retrieved from

Rabbit. (n.d.). Amazing facts about rabbits | OneKind. Retrieved from

Sunday, 24 August 2014


Rabbit or its scientific name Lepus curpaeums is a mammal. They are commonly found in Europe, South Africa, Sumatra and Japan. Rabbits are herbivores that feed on grass and also vegetables. Lifespan for rabbit is about 8 years. Rabbit is one of the famous pet among children. To be compared, wild rabbit lifespan are shorter compared to rabbit when kept as a pet because of the predator factors. Uniqueness of rabbit is they can jump almost one metre high and three metre long. This is because of their strong limbs which allow them to have a great leap distances. Rabbit have a very good sense of smell, hearing and vision. Its eyes can view 360-degree search for food and alert for predator. They also can stand upright on their hind legs to get a better view. Additional information about rabbit is the average lifespan of rabbit is 5-8 years but the world’s oldest rabbit are recorded lived is 16 years old.



The Red Slender Loris or in scientific name is Loris Tardigradus. In Tamil, they called Laris as “Kutti Thevangu”. This small animal is a nocturnal small animal. They can be found in rainforests of Sri Lanka and Southern India. Loris comes from Lorisidae family. Loris has extremely thin arms, legs and covered with furs. These primates also have a big pair of eyes. Their big eyes give them a excellent view and also night vision. Slender loris spends most of their day by curled up in a tight ball. The way they approach their prey is very slow and carefull. Their foods are insect, fruits, leaves, small mammals and many more. For an additional information, Slender Loris are considered as endangered species because of the major threat which is habitat destruction and also being a treatment medical for eye disease.


Chameleon or their scientific name is Chamaeleonidae are reptile. It is well-known species of lizard. Their habitat are in jungle and also desert alike like in Africa, Asia and parts of Southern Europe. Chameleon has many species in the world. They can change their skin color according to their surroundings to camouflage their body from the vision of their prey and predator. Example of color that chameleon can change into is pink, blue, red, orange, green, black, brown and other color. After that, some people think that Chameleon actually is a weird and funny animal because of their movement. They can move very slowly. Then, another one is, both Chameleon eyes can move differently from one another.  Their eyes can swivel independently give them 360-degree and observe two different view. Another interesting fact is their tongues can have the same length as their body. 


 This entry is about Senegal Bush Baby or in scientific name is Galago Senegalensis. Galago came from Galagidae family. These primates have uniqueness which is their eyes. They have a big pair of big eyes that give them a good vision. Senegal bush baby is nocturnal animal.  We can say that nocturnal animal only active during night and sleep during daylight. So, this pair of big eyes is very useful for them because it gives them a good night vision. After that, the way they communicate is by calling and marking their path with urine. They live in a small group and gather together to sleep at night. An interesting fact the name 'bushbaby' can either refer to their appearance or their cries. Another uniqueness of Senegal Babybush is the one who maintain their territories are the adult female Senegal but they share them with their offspring.


Hello guys. Next animal is Hamster. Hamster can be categorized as popular choice of having a pet. People tend to pet hamster because of their cuteness, small body and their behavior. I’m also having hamster as my pet. It comes from rodent family and its scientific name is Cricetinae. Hamster’s first uniqueness is they have elongated cheek. They have elongated cheek extending to their shoulders in which they carry food back to their burrow. You can see them put food into their cheek. It makes Hamster look cute and unique. After that, what make them unique is they can breed easily. They have estrus cycle up to seven times each month. It is distinguished by a whitish discharge.  Estrus cycle can occur at night and can last until 12 hours. Another uniqueness of Hamster is because of their behavior.  It depends on surrounding. For example, it depends on their environment, genetics and also interaction with people. For me, hamster is one of the unique animals that you should have as your pet.


The first entry will be about the uniqueness of Sugar Glider. Sugar Glider or its scientific name is Petaurus breviceps. For our information, sugar gliders life span is about 10 to 15 years only. They have a small body about 5-6 inches long and their tail has the same length with their body. What makes they unique are the smoothness of its fur between their wrist and ankle. It feels like a mattress full with fur. I also have pet this animals. I have 5 sugar gliders at home to play with. Another uniqueness of sugar glider is the bond. Once these creatures get along with their owner, they will become extremely loveable. They will become our best friend and become a good friend to play with. That’s the reason why sugar gliders are unique among other animals.

Friday, 22 August 2014


Hye guys and welcome to my blog. This is the second time I post entry to my blog. I’m DEC student from Kolej Profesional Mara Indera Mahkota, Pahang. For this time, I will post an entry about a few unique animals.

First of all, to recall back our basic knowledge about animal, there are 2 types of animal which are cold-blooded which are reptiles, warm-blooded or mammals. These animal also are divided into 3 group according to their nature which are carnivore who eats meat or other animal, herbivore who eats vegetable and last one is omnivore who eats both vegetarian and meat. This information is the basic info for us to know. The interesting part is I’m going to share with you about the uniqueness of a few animals that I really admire and have interest in studying them. Let’s enjoy this blog while eating snacks.