Sunday, 24 August 2014


Hello guys. Next animal is Hamster. Hamster can be categorized as popular choice of having a pet. People tend to pet hamster because of their cuteness, small body and their behavior. I’m also having hamster as my pet. It comes from rodent family and its scientific name is Cricetinae. Hamster’s first uniqueness is they have elongated cheek. They have elongated cheek extending to their shoulders in which they carry food back to their burrow. You can see them put food into their cheek. It makes Hamster look cute and unique. After that, what make them unique is they can breed easily. They have estrus cycle up to seven times each month. It is distinguished by a whitish discharge.  Estrus cycle can occur at night and can last until 12 hours. Another uniqueness of Hamster is because of their behavior.  It depends on surrounding. For example, it depends on their environment, genetics and also interaction with people. For me, hamster is one of the unique animals that you should have as your pet.

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